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Roll Up Vehicles

Streamline your closing with one entity for angel investors. With Roll Up Vehicles, founders get a single link that allows investors to commit and send funds online—and AngelList India takes care of the rest.

Why founders choose Roll Up Vehicles

Close with one link

Get a single link through which accredited angels and operators can invest.

Control the cap table

All investors come in as a single line on your cap table.

Reduce admin costs

One-time investor fee covers regulatory filing, investor documents, distribution management, and templatized legal documents.

How Roll Up Vehicles work

AngelList handles the entity formation, KYC, accreditation, collection of funds, tax documents, signatures, and distributions.

How Roll Up Vehicles work

AngelList India handles the entity formation, KYC, accreditation, collection of funds, tax documents, signatures, and distributions.

Submit your company information

Enter a few pieces of information about your company to get started.

Share a link with investors

We’ll create a private deal page for your Roll Up Vehicle.

Investors fund their investments

Investors close into the Roll Up Vehicle electronically. AngelList India handles the collection of funds, accreditation, and KYC.

Receive funds

AngelList India sends a single wire to the company with just a single line to the cap table.

Start your Roll Up Vehicle
“We had more than 100 investors, including leaders and founders from the top 1% startups in the ecosystem. Managing 100+ individual agreements would have been exorbitantly expensive and almost impossible. Thanks to AngelList India, the process was effortless. They handled a complex cap table, chased signatures, and reconciled 100s of wires seamlessly. The RUV was a saviour for us.”
Udayan Walvekar
Founder, GrowthX
“AngelList India RUV is a great product which helped me pool in capital from both individual and institutional investors. AngelList’s dashboard allows you to track fundraising progress and minimize coordination woes. RUVs will be my go-to tool to fundraise from angels and smaller institutional investors.”
Chirag Taneja
Co-founder & CEO, GoKwik
“Thanks for bringing RUVs to India. It has allowed me to raise from all the great mentors and angel investors without complicating my cap table. I would recommend all the founders to use RUV when raising an angel round.”
Ankush Goyal
Founder, DSLR Technologies
“A large cap table is a very big drain on management bandwidth. The time spent in administration for signatures, follow-ups, consents is not productive for founders of young companies. Having a single shareholder through AngelList India RUV makes this incredibly easy. AngelList’s team is also professional and understands the need for responding to ongoing portfolio management with speed.”
Nikhil Aggarwal
Founder & CEO, Grip Invest
Get Started with
a Roll Up Vehicle